Application | Join

Application | Join

Different Memberships for Individuals and Communities

Optimist International offers several membership options, making it easy for anyone interested in supporting our mission to help youth select the membership that's right for them. Most will join as a club member intially, and often upgrade into a Life Member later. Professional who don't have a local club, or less time to participate at the club level, often join as a Friend of Optimists. Younger members are often introduced as either a JOI Member, or a College Member. OI also recently added a Social, Service, and Young Professionals group - which expands club to with new members who work together for a common project or purpose.

For more complete information, brochures, and application form, see the summaries below or visit OI Membership Types directly.  

  • Club Member

    As a member of an Optimist Club, individuals have the opportunity to ‘Bring Out the Best in Kids’ and ‘Everyone’ along with other like-minded individuals. Each member can help youth in their local community by supporting local service projects. Club members pay Optimist International and SWIS District dues. See the Member Brochure for more information.  For a membership application, click here.

  • Life Member

    An honor bestowed by a Club on an Optimist who has shown years of dedication to the club and organization. Optimists can also enroll themselves in Life Membership. A one-time fee is paid and the Optimist pays lower dues for life. See the Life Member Application for additional information.

  • College Member

    Optimists who are enrolled as a full-time college student (minimum of 12 credits) is eligible to have their annual dues reduced. For a membership application, indicate a college student, click here.

  • Friend Of Optimists

     Individuals can show their support by becoming a Friends of Optimists. This business or person may be someone who does not have an Optimist Club in their area or they may not have time to dedicate to a local Optimist Club. Optimists Clubs can also bestow a Friend of Optimists membership on a community member who has shown great support for the club. To learn more information and/or apply, see the Friend of Optimists Brochure.  To apply on-line, click here

  • Social, Service And
    Young Professionals Group

    The Social, Service and Young Professionals Group is a way for your Club to expand their outreach and strength in their community. A Social, Service and Young Professionals Group could provide a traditional Club with an increased volunteer work force to tackle more complex projects and provide a platform for younger professionals to join an Optimist Club. This concept would help younger individuals with networking skills and social activity with the availability of volunteering for specific projects or targeted activities. Learn More

Members are the foundation on which we can build our programs and expand our horizon of services for the youth we serve. 

It's All About MEMBERSHIP:

M  embership      is everbody's responsibility.

E  ducate              your members on your Club's Membership drive plans.

M  otivate             every member to take an active part in recruiting new members.

B  uild                   membership by inviting prospect to join your club.

E  arnestly            recruit candidates, tell them they've been selected.

R  adiate               enthusiasm about club, its built on service and success for all winners.

S  incerely            welcome new members into the club, induct them properlly.

H  elp                   new members feel a part of the club, put them on a committee.

I  dentify               your Club's talent and potential, use strengthes to make a difference.

P  rovide              frequent opportunities for current and new members for new ideas. 

Promise Yourself...

To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet..