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Governor's Message - Second Quarter Review

Greetings Optimist Friends –


 I   would like to share something that had a positive impact on my life and continues yet today.  It was in September, 2009 when my brother-in-law,  Gary Engelke, asked me to become an Optimist member.  I’ve often  times told this story when making a presentation to a group, and with this  message, those who have not been present will also reap the benefits.

 Gary not only asked me once or twice, but several times.  To ‘get him off my back’, I finally said yes.  One of the best decisions I have made in my life to date.  At that time, my husband, Steve, also joined.

By this time, you might be asking, what has this got to do with me??  Read on and hopefully you will see the importance of this Governor’s Message.

After becoming a member, through my own efforts to want to know more about this organization I joined, my research led me to my purpose as an Optimist,” To Bring Out the Best in Kids, Community and Myself”.  WOW, I thought, what a responsibility I took on for myself!  What was my next move, get out while the getting out is good?  Apologize to Gary and let him know this is not for me?  Go forward and get more information and the underlying purpose(s)?

You can guess what I did, the third choice, go forward and get more information.  Here it is, 2025, 16 years later and I’m still going strong.  Doing what I can to bring out the best in kids, serve my community and improve myself however possible.  Things I would never know if it weren’t for Gary asking me to join.


Still thinking about what this has got to do with you?  Ask yourself, what am I contributing to my club, my community, the youth we serve and what are you doing for yourself?  In many instances you are limited to how much time and talent you can donate towards any one of these important parts of our lives; however, something is better than nothing.  “Baby steps eventually move mountains.”

Have you allowed a friend, coworker, family member, etc, the opportunity to experience the ‘feel good’ in being an Optimist?  Things I would never know if it weren’t for Gary asking me to join.  It is quite simple, Just Ask!  Invite that ‘someone’ to join you for coffee at your member get-together.  No commitment, no pressure, just learn about Optimist and meet new friends.  We have fun, we tell stories, we share family events, whatever it is that you do when your members get-together.  No mention of meeting.  Just a group of friends getting together to help Bring Out the Best in our Youth, Community and Ourselves.

The SWIS District had another club disband this month.  That is the second one this Optimist year.  That is not the path we want to follow.  We need you and your members to help grow membership and build new clubs.  Perhaps you don’t really know how or where to start.  There are plenty of SWIS District members willing to help and you can start with any one of the three Governors, Maxine Lane ( Jo’El Pearlman ( Maureen Crombie (  As your Governor’s, we are here to help when and where we can, guide members and clubs to new horizons and bring the SWIS District successfully into another year.  We are Here for You!

I hope you now understand why I shared this little recap of when I became an Optimist.  I hope it brings back memories when you became an Optimist and I further hope you will give a friend, co-worker, family member an opportunity to let them remember ‘when they became an Optimist’. 

Things I would never know if it weren’t for Gary asking me to join.


Forever an Optimist

Maxine Lane, Co-Governor 24/25

SWIS District