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SWIS Round Table

SWIS Round Table

Summaries of Optimist Input, Conferences or ZONE Mtg.

Sharing of information and experiences with optimists from other clubs provides for a learning tool for everyone attending a conference. Following are some subjects that have been shared and documented at some previous SWIS Conferences during round table discussions. The information is still valuable for future optimists.

Optimist 'Combo ZONE' Virtual Meeting on 01/09/2021
Over 60 Optimists representing their clubs with a presentation and/or to acquire information from other club optimists Zoomed on 01/09/21. There were 7 Lt. Governors who coordinated and facilitated in acquiring information about: Speaker and Programs Fundraising Ideas; and Youth Events, during the Pandemic and in the future. A summary of the information, without e-mail addresses, is available at this link: SWIS_Combo_Zone.

(This same document with contact e-mail addresses is available for club/district leaders in the Leaderboard).

Optimist 'round table' on membership: Recruitment, Activate, and Maintain:

Click here for Summary from 2019-2020 SWIS 1st Quarter Conference.

Optimist discussion in the following areas: Click here for Summary.
1) Expectations of Lt. Governor's and District.
2) Recruiting new members.
3) SWIS Help to promote Essay, Oratorical, and CCDHH Contests.
4) Best Ideas to Share.
5) Opportunities for Personal Development
6) Needs for a website.

Optimist discussion in the following areas: Click here for Summary.
1) Sharing with New Communities -New Club Building-NCB.
2) Encourage, Promote, Grow as Optimists.
3) Best way to invite.
4) Opportunities for participation in area for Essay, Oratorical, CCDHH Youth.

Optimist discussion in the following areas: Click here for Summary.
1) Suggestions for a successful Oratorical, Essay and CCDHH Contests.

One and Done Recruitment Program:
One And Done Membership Activities - PDF Format
One And Done Membership Planner - PDF Format
Presentation Materials - PDF Download


Promise Yourself...

To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.