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Succeeding As A Leader

Succeeding As A Leader

Lead with Optimism and Enthusiasm

Thanks for considering and/or accepting the challenge of a position of leadership in your club or in the Southern Wisconsin – SWIS District.

Things to Remember and be Aware of: Optimism and Enthusiasm are what inspired you and inspires others and that Success is a Journey, Not a Destination. Future leaders start their term October 1 through September 30 of each year.

Resources Available: The most important resource is club members who have been in the position you’re interested in and have ‘real time’ experience. There are also members who have served at the District level who can help. The District and International Conferences will provide training and knowledge on websites and information available. The lifeblood of any organization is new and active members, enthusiastic members, and involved long time members.There is more optimist training available here.

Characteristics: Team Builder, Promoter; Communicator, Good Listener; Recognizes effort; Organized,and Sets Goals. To really ‘live’ the tenets of the Optimist Creed and insure that it’s recited at every get-together of optimists that you are leading.

Chairing a Meeting: Good meeting is one led by Anybody partaken of by Everybody, monopolized by Nobody and where Everybody is Somebody.

Actions to Take: Optimist International requests that ‘Officer Elect Reports’ of future leader positions are submitted by the middle of May, or as soon as possible, before his/her year starts.

Before you start your term, attend board meetings, gather information from previous leaders, meet with Treasurer to set new year budget, review fund raisers to confirm / change recommendations, set your board meetings starting in October. President Training usually available at SWIS 4th Quarter Convention in August.

Accepting the Challenge of Being a Club President: The job of President is a “people job”. Your ability to get the best out of others will result in a fun, thriving club that will attract volunteers who want to help make a better community for children.

September: Work with current club president to plan Induction and Recognition Ceremony for new and outgoing officers and board. Have speakers in place for October and write article for October Newsletter. Become familiar with: and (club and leader area), and this website.

October: First meeting is the Induction Banquet/board meeting followed by your first board meeting, using Roberts Rules of Order. Have an agenda ready to include: budget approval; review by-laws and policies of club; review calendar for year; review all committee activities and fundraisers and which will continue and or could be  eliminated. Insure that the by-laws are made available to club members and Optimist International. Continue with pre-scheduled club meetings and communication by newsletters, websites, facebook and e-mails.  Be in contact with Lt. Governor on needs for the 'Annual Club Planning Conference - ACPC report. Include District schedule for conferences into club schedule for attendance.   Access will be available to for your input, updates, reports, financial info, etc.

November – February: Preside at pre-scheduled board and club meetings and insure all methods of communication for the membership of activities/events that are planned. (Insure 990E is submitted by Treasurer). 

March:  Continue with board and club meetings and canvas current board members and officers regarding their term of office and determine upcoming needs for the next year and convene a Nominating Committee for the next year’s officers.

April: Finalize ‘slate’ of officers and board for election end of month. If you’re club sponsors a Junior Optimist Club – JOOI, prepare to induct any new officers/board members before the end of the school year.

May: Determine any changes in meeting schedules for the summer. (Follow up with communication, including e-mails, newsletters, website, facebook  updates of activities/events).

June – August: Begin working with incoming president elect for smooth transition.  Continue with commnication including e-mails, newsletters, websites, facebook of activities/events. (Submit selection for Honored Club member Citation to Optimist International by end of August).  

September: Help plan Recognition and Induction Ceremony, invite Lt. Governor to induct officers, get gifts for outgoing officers, board, and work with President Elect for transition.  (Complete President's Pride by end of September / early October for Honor Club recognition for your year).

Role and Function: Your primary purpose is to help others succeed. As President you are the “Chief Executive Officer” of your Club. Your Board of Directors makes policy and determines objectives. You carry out the directives of the Board and make things happen. You lead others who do the service to youth and community. You preside at Club Member meetings where you enjoy fun, food and fellowship. You also preside at your Board meetings where you carry out the business of the Club. You appoint and oversee the operation of all of your club committees. Have good meetings, recognize efforts and accomplishments of others, insure creation of budgets and monthly financial reports with the club treasurer, obtain good publicity, and grow your membership.

Accepting the Challenge of a position at the District level:
A very ‘fun’ position is becoming a Lt. Governor for you’re responsible for meeting with 5-8 clubs in your zone a couple times in the year and supporting them with communication from the District Governor. It’s fun to visit other clubs, find out what they do for the youth in their community and share that with other optimists in the organization. There are many other International positions available. Information is available in website.

Supporting documents for making meetings and projects run smoother:
Personality Types relating to Animals:
Lions; Otters; Golden Retrievers; and Beavers. Click here
Generations of Optimists: Traditionalists; Baby Boomers; X, Y, and C Generations. Click here

Grape Theory: Reasons people get involved and stay involved:     
    Growth - Personal growth, working with others skills in time management and decision making.
    Recognition - Awards and/or 'pats on the back'.
    Achievement - Success in projects, seeing a project from beginning to end.
    Participation - Part of an organization and making new friends.
    Enjoyment - Have fun doing and working with others.


Promise Yourself...

To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.