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Lieutenant Governors for Zones

Lieutenant Governors for Zones

REFLECTION of SWIS Lt. Governor: Even though I had been a Club President twice (which is not a requirement) and had attended many SWIS District conventions I was nervous when I was asked to serve as a Lt. Governor. Some of the reasons why I was nervous was because I didn't know what to expect and what was expected of me. I had missed the Lt. Governor training because I hadn't been asked early enough and I can tell you now that while the training is nice it isn't critical to doing the job. But it helps.

As it turned out the job of Lt. Governor is much easier and far more fun than being President of a Club. Looking back I kind of laugh at my worrying because all of my worries never really materialized. I was worried about expenses. The District pays for expenses. What the District didn't cover my home Club did - travel, supplies - all of it. It was a big help.

What to do? It is the least of your worries. My clubs were busy and appreciated when I showed up. Typical comment - "Really? Someone from the District showed up? And their actually helping? Wow!" Attending these events is a lot of fun and being with the kids and watching them develop is priceless. You meet a lot of nice dad's and mom's too.

There is some work involved. Trying to get Clubs to do what you ask can be a challenge because some are set in their ways. Asking a Club to keep up on their dues wasn't a problem and working with a Club to expand their membership was rewarding. Attending an event in a cold, driving rain wasn't a whole lot of fun but if the kids could do it - so could I. Now I can brag about it.

Most of all I have to say that I was very impressed by our fellow Optimist members. They are nice people. They want to help our children and our community and are quite dedicated in doing so. Actions speak louder than words and SWIS District Optimists are not shy about being active. I have thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

I am grateful and humbled that I was asked and given a chance to serve as a Lt. Governor. It was a very rewarding personal experience. Pete Olsen, Past Lt. Governor.

Lt. Governor's Opportunities: As a Lt. Governor for the SWIS District you could visit with clubs in your zone, meeting new optimists and finding out about what they do for the youth in their community. Some of the duties include:

1) Clubs in the various Zones needing Lt. Governors available at: Zones_1819
2) Installing club officer in clubs, based on their request and your schedule.
3) Setting goals with clubs in your zone using the 'Annual Club Planning Conference' - ACPC report. (Based on a request from the Governor). 4) Work with Governor on planning Zone meetings to promote organization goals, build camaraderie, and share ideas among club leaders.
5) Attend quarterly SWIS Conference Executive meetings to share about any needs for the clubs in the zone.
6) Schedule and organize a Zone Oratorical Contest in the spring if there are 3 clubs in the zone who have winners to participate.
7) Provide suggestions on Membership and Growth in the clubs and also share any club 'leads' on potential new club locations with other SWIS Leaders.